Self-education is a complex system of both cognitive and practical nature. Since self-love is an internal need and desire of a person, any internal work on self-improvement requires knowledge and skills.
Self-education is a very complex process, always multi-step, requiring an objective assessment and comparison of the real results of their own work with the requirements for the quality of activity.
Any teacher, any leader must know:
– Show all the best in his activity and, on the contrary, all the missing – skillfully conceal;
– Not to hide – to constantly talk about their movement toward the best;
This will reduce the dynamics of failure, determining, in turn, the need for continuous improvement of its activities. And in this case, the main criterion for the effectiveness of personal change is their compliance with such requirements.
Therefore, every teacher who leads a team of students, it is necessary to constantly personal development.
Personal development of a teacher is a process of restructuring his consciousness and the entire organization of life, aimed at understanding his place in life, his role in society, his relationships with people, his children, colleagues, etc.
Experience shows that the greatest need for self-education are elementary school teachers. This is explained primarily by the fact that this age group of students most often enters a new social group, as well as in cases where the teacher has no family or children.
The teacher of the Russian language and literature is obliged to inculcate love to the Russian language and literature, and also respect to world around, to the Native land, culture, to spiritual values; to teach pupils to distinguish good from evil, to understand and estimate value of life and activity of outstanding people of the time, to bring up a civil position, a thirst for knowledge and active labor activity. He should be able to organize cognitive and leisure activities of students, to create conditions to replenish their knowledge, skills and abilities.
Preparing for a lesson, the teacher should know how he will conduct a lesson; on the basis of the available program, the outline of a lesson, other sources of information, to formulate and carry out the main idea, the thesis of a lesson; to reveal gaps, to characterize the didactic purpose, tasks and content of a lesson; purposefully to plan methods and means of training, providing achievement of planned results; to select means of training for permission of set didactic tasks; to analyze his actions, including errors, to determine means of their correction.
The tasks set by teachers determine the content and level of speech development of students. The word of the teacher should be expressive, vivid, figurative.