Self-education: a family contract, a broken record?
Interviewer. Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen! In today’s article, the name of which is familiar to you almost by heart, we will talk about one type of self-education, which is called family education.
We can say with confidence that family education is a very complex and capacious topic, which requires special attention. Since, by and large, parents should not have any specifics in the formation of children, so everyone understands that the process of education should be ecosystemic in nature.
Basic requirements for parents
But if you still decided to become a dad or mom, then for you a very topical issue is the question of what would be and your child was to whom to pass on, and after all, you should agree that this is very important. After all, the children to whom you will attach a nanny, will be surrounded by not only love and affection, but, not unimportant, some kind of care and attention.
However, in practice it turns out that in this matter there is a certain specificity, which is that in the early years of life the baby feels more secure. Therefore, it is worth from an early age to accustom the child to independence, because even if the child is left to himself, it will be much easier and more comfortable to develop.
In addition, it is worth understanding that at birth the child begins to understand what his actions are aimed at. Therefore, it is very important that the child does not build himself or herself up as something special, but accepts everything as it is. It is to this end that the child becomes aware of what he or she is allowed to do and what he or she is not allowed to do. Here you can clearly see a certain balance, when a child understands that he can’t take someone else’s stuff and when he can’t share it with others. After all, you agree it’s very difficult. So if you’ve decided that the child will be raised only in love and affection, then you should approach the matter wisely. It is worth very carefully and unobtrusively behave with your child.
First of all, you should agree with your child about when you will come to his room. And, more importantly, the child must clearly understand that if he took something, he must keep it. And it should be clear even without words. For example, if a child can take a car that you bring to the sandbox, he/she has to keep it for him/herself. And if your child’s mom or dad allows them to take any toy, then this point should be clearly stated.
But it is also worth paying great attention to the development of the child.